The Elements of Champagne

How to blend earth, fire and water?

A moving film about three young siblings. A stroke of fate. And the question: How do you lead a renowned winery into the future overnight? A story about the love of champagne, a demanding craft and the irrepressible power of the elements. About the challenges of climate change, dusty traditions and the future of champagne that, for so many people, is so much more than just a pleasure.
The Elements
Charlotte De Sousa
"Look at me, I have done it, it is possible. Get on the road. If you want to be a winemaker, it is possible."

Charlotte is the oldest of the three siblings. As a patron (boss) and mother, she has both feet firmly on the ground. She takes care of sales and marketing, keeps the threads together - and keeps an eye on all the important family and business issues.
Julie De Sousa
"At the moment, climate change is definitely beneficial in Champagne. But in a few years, it will be too hot. Then maybe we'll only be making red wine."

Julie is the "middle child" and, as Chef de Culture, is responsible for the vineyards. Her unprecedented relationship with wine and her faithful workhorses shows the fire with which she burns for a life in harmony with nature.
Valentin De Sousa
"When you taste a champagne, you are tasting a story that is millions of years old."
Valentin, the youngest tends to be like the calm water in a mirrored lake. He focuses on vinification as Chef de Caves (cellar master). His balanced, analytical nature helps him to oversee all the processes to perfection - from the pressing of the freshly harvested grapes to the bottling of the aged wine. In turbulent moments, he is balanced and level-headed, only rarely flashing his cheeky streak, which he inherited from his father.
The idea behind the film
What happens when you take the reins of the family business overnight?
In this documentary film, we show the moving story of three young people who face a challenging life task during the changing of the four seasons: Due to their father’s serious cancer worsening, the three siblings Charlotte, Valentin and Julie have to follow in his big footsteps overnight, as a renowned winemaker in Champagne. And although they have spent their entire lives preparing for this moment, the sudden takeover of the family business brings numerous unforeseen challenges.

A film about the invisible bond between siblings, the interplay of the elements with their very natural powers - as well as the captivating magic of champagne making.
Kreide/Chalk, Ernte/Harvest, Traubensaft/Grapejuice
What does the film show?

We accompany Charlotte, Julie and Valentin in their first three years of independence. Through the ups and downs. Through good and bad harvest years. We follow them between the vines into the cellars and are at their side when they refine their champagne uniquely and learn how important marketing is. We are right in the middle of their families, their challenges and in their moments of recharging their batteries.

Likewise, topics that play a significant role in shaping the lives of a winemaking family are highlighted: Climate change, biodynamic agriculture and patriarchal structures of Champagne that must be broken.
The filmmakers
Marco Wenzel

Marco has been a video journalist, cameraman and editor for over 12 years. During this time he has travelled the world and met and documented many interesting people with a passion for their profession.
Daniel Ludes

Daniel has been in the creative industry for over 14 years. His journey led him via design to advertising, and now to film. In the home of his ancestors, he discovered not only his passion for champagne, but also the history of the De Sousas.
Why do we want to tell this story?
Daniel's last name is Ludes. Why is this important to mention? Keep reading!
It's a French surname - his ancestors were Huguenots who settled on the French-German border after being expelled from France in the 16th century.
They once fled the eponymous village of Ludes, on the north side of the Montagne de Reims in the heart of Champagne. Even as a child, Daniel knew about it and his parents took him to this place from time to time.
Years later, himself a father, he brought his family to Ludes to continue tracing and discovering the passion for wine, champagne and this wonderful area.
Côte des Blancs, Champagne, France
He began to search, research, taste, and finally, in the little village of Avize, he met the extraordinary family of winemakers, who not only produced excellent champagne, but whose tragic story reminded him of his own and presented the three charismatic children, Charlotte, Julie and Valentin with a great challenge.
During his 2020 visit, as he learned from the siblings that their father, Erick, was seriously ill with cancer, he could relate to this shock, having lost his father far too early to cancer himself.
Charlotte's, Julie's and Valentin's task now is to overcome this shock, to take the reins in their own hands and to lead the Domaine into the future.
Charlotte, Valentin & Erick
Charlotte, Valentin & Erick
Trauben - Grapes
Trauben - Grapes
Ernteschere - Tools
Ernteschere - Tools
Erntehelfer - Harvest worker
Erntehelfer - Harvest worker
Trauben - Grapes
Trauben - Grapes
Fässer - Barrels
Fässer - Barrels
Arbeit an der Presse - Work at the press
Arbeit an der Presse - Work at the press
Ernte - Harvest
Ernte - Harvest
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